One Year stand with ISB

This Blog aims to capture my affair with ISB and beyond.

Location: Hyderabad, India

I promise not to make this a chronicle of events unfolding in ISB or the world in general. These posts will generally qualify those events with my thoughts. At the same time I promise it will be enjoyable :-)

Sunday, September 03, 2006


So the term holidays are over and we are back for the 4th term which incidentally is the smallest - in terms of number of weeks and not in terms of the amount of work which you have to put in. This way of life now seems to have gotten in the blood and the anxieties and aspirations have reduced. I and Kandie got to catch up with some of the crappy films which are doing the rounds in the cinema halls. We strategically avoided KANK which I think was a great decision as I couldnt imagine how I would have lived with those memories after the fact.

Friday night was spent in Ahala of Taj Krishna and the place was happening. We got a lot of photos clicked by photographers who presumably were from the press, but I didnt see any of our photos in the local press or the local TV channel the next day. May be I just didnt know where to look or it didnt appear at all and/or the so called media people were just fooling around with unloaded cameras. Whatever it was we had a whale of a time. All thanx to G and P.

Passing fact: Your brain is divided in two parts: Left and Right.
The left part has nothing right in it
and the right part has nothing left in it...


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