One Year stand with ISB

This Blog aims to capture my affair with ISB and beyond.

Location: Hyderabad, India

I promise not to make this a chronicle of events unfolding in ISB or the world in general. These posts will generally qualify those events with my thoughts. At the same time I promise it will be enjoyable :-)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Half Way Thru

Friday will be the last day of the fourth term and we will be half way thru. It was a very busy and high intensity 6 months, but also a structured and well planned one. The past 4 terms had core courses and there was no worry about what you wanted to study and where you wanted to specialise. The story will completely change come mid October, as the forthcoming 4 terms contain only elective course and you gotta choose what you want to study and the area you want to concentrate on. Not only that you need to manage your time table and see that there are no clashes. (After all yo ucant be at 2 places at the same time). Also it is not necessary that you will get what you choose. The elective bidding process claims to accomodate everybody's requests as far as possible. Anyway that remains to be seen. The bidding process is highly sophisticated and involved. Hope I get the courses I bid for.

The exams start today. Gotta get back to study. Anyway am not in much mood to study after the bloodbath yesterday...


Blogger Anu said...

No No. Not yet. SAIT exam is still there:-D

1:14 pm  
Blogger Bon said...

Yeah thats the most frustoo part :-(, and our ELP, u better start working on that :-))

12:57 am  

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